Facebook Messenger for business?

I expect that most of you will by now be familiar with Facebook’s ‘Messenger’ app, since it made headlines around six months ago. There was much hysteria (dare I say paranoia?) regarding the requirement to download the app if you wanted to receive Facebook messages from your mobile device. Many wondered about Facebook’s reasons for making it compulsory. However, some of Facebook’s recent changes to its Messenger ‘platform’  (yes, apparently it’s no longer an app but a platform) may begin to shed some light:

Source: Messenger: Business
Source: Messenger: Business

Notice some common themes here? So far, the ‘Businesses with Messenger’ appears to have been created to allow businesses to communicate better with their customers… but what’s the bet they want to be able to handle every transaction from payment, to updates, to reviews of the product after it’s been received?

What do you think? Will we be paying via Messenger soon? And would you use this option, if it was available? Is this adding value for Facebook’s users, or just for the business users?

11 thoughts on “Facebook Messenger for business?

  1. Interesting. I have to use messenger for texting people (it’s cheaper to have a data plan than credit now). Most people were scared to use the app because of the feature where apparently they can listen in on your surroundings if you’re updating a status and want to tag a TV show you’re watching?
    I don’t think I’d feel safe paying via messenger!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hmmm, this is very interesting. Payment between friends is definitely something I would be interested in. Whenever I owe my mate money or vice versa, we have to ask for each others BSB and account number and then go on a separate bank website, which can be quite annoying. This makes it far more convenient having it all in one place. When it comes to paying actual businesses, I might be a bit hesitant but it’s something I’m open to and could get used to! I think it’s an excellent idea.

    Please comment on my new post if you have time 🙂 https://dmwithme.wordpress.com/2015/03/26/social-media-does-it-destroy-or-enhance-travel/

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    1. Yes I thought the payment between friends could be quite popular, and so long as they do a good job of marketing it, there would be some significant benefits to completing a transaction all in the one place for businesses too. As Meags commented above, trust is likely to be an issue for many.


  3. I never thought of Facebook Messenger this way before. I can still say that it aligns with Facebook’s core values to connect and share with others. It seems they have just extended and focused on businesses. I can’t really believe purchasing things off Facebook though, it doesn’t have the perception of a shopping channel. But, clever marketing could change that.


  4. Oh wow I wasn’t aware of this – definitely interesting. This just goes to show that Facebook is no longer just a social networking site. It makes me wonder if Facebook is shifting their primary purpose for businesses instead – especially with this new feature!


  5. Hmm clever.. but I would prefer to keep my Facebook and my banking as two separate things. I agree that they would have to ensure high levels of security to get people like myself to convert 😉


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